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Scheduling Overview
Scheduling Overview
Tyler Williams avatar
Written by Tyler Williams
Updated over a year ago

A.) Scheduling Intro

With scheduling in StartProto, you can easily coordinate your shop floor from your office, home, or vacation. View the status of live orders/jobs, line up work for operators/work centers, and make on-the-fly adjustments.

1.) Schedule Generation

StartProto simplifies scheduling with the help of advanced algorithms that suggest and optimize your schedule. This process takes into account several data points related to your jobs and recommends a schedule that minimizes late orders, reduces downtime, and prevents overloading. The data points the algorithm considers are:

  • Demand generated from open sales order line items and jobs (Learn More About Jobs Here)

  • The set priorities of the sales order line item or job level - by default, thesese priorities are set based on the due date of the order, but can be rearranged manually (see below). Using this method ensures that high-priority work is visible and is given preferred scheduling once BOM requirements are met.

  • The Routing and BOMs of the items to be made - this ensures that scheduling operations are in order and that material requirements are met before reserving time with an operator/work center.

Through evaluating these criteria the system builds out the purchasing list and work list in a way for you to meet your prioritized demand in a way that balances getting high priority orders out on time while keeping work for the shop floor efficient.

Note: The accuracy of the algorithm depends on the accuracy of your data. Inaccurate prioritization, unestimated operation times, and incorrect BOM/Routing can lead to discrepancies, reducing the overall effectiveness of the scheduler.

B.) Order Line Item / Job Prioritization

In StartProto, you can assign a due date and priority to Sales Orders and Jobs based on your needs for each order or job. The scheduling algorithm primarily uses the due date in it’s calculation and the set priority is there to make the order stand out to the shop floor and our scheduling algorithm.

Note that if you schedule a line item via a Job, the dates and priorities set on the line item have no effect on scheduling as the Job is the entity being scheduled and its due date and priority will be used.

1.) Set Priority Within Sales Orders

When creating a sales order, we can set priority status either by the entire order or by individual line items. By default, both are set to "Normal,” but we can change this in a few different ways:

  • Setting the order priority to "High" will update all items on the sales order to match the status set on the order. To do this, click the Priority Level dropdown in the order details tab.

  • For individual line items, we can set a customized priority level. To do this, select the line item and adjust the priority level as needed.

    It is important to prioritize and set dues dates on orders and jobs appropriately rather than setting everything as a high priority. The "High" Priority is not a magical solution, and setting all work as high can prevent the algorithm from distinguishing what truly constitutes a rush order and what does not.

1.1) Update The Schedule Based On Changes

When modifying due dates of orders or items, it may be necessary to recalculate the schedule based on the new dates. To do so, click on the blue icon next to the new due date. StartProto, by default, will not automatically update your schedule in order to preserve any changes you have made. Therefore, it must be manually triggered.

2.) Set Priority For Currently Scheduled Jobs and Line Items

We can easily prioritize and set the order of active jobs on our scheduling page. This prompts the algorithm to update accordingly based on your needs. As mentioned, the default order is driven by the due dates of the Job/ Line Item, but can be manually rearranged. A few ways to accomplish this:

Note: By default, the job list is generated by priority set by sales orders and the due dates set for orders and line items.

2.1) Send To Top

The "Send to Top" feature enables you to choose any job, regardless of its current position or priority, and move it to the top of your scheduling list. This ensures that the job is the next order to be fulfilled by its assigned work center or operator.

2.2) Send To Position

Each job in the lineup has a number on its left that corresponds to its position. If we want to move a job to a specific position, we can use the "Send to Position" option. This will bump the job currently in that position down one place and move the selected job to the desired position.

2.3) Reset Position

This action resets the job's priority to what it was originally computed based solely on your set due date. In other words, any manual overrides you made in the schedule will be undone.

C.) Building The Work List

The algorithm follows a pattern of assessing the highest-priority demand, determining availability to ship, working on existing inventory, and deciding if any purchases are necessary. The complexity increases with more intricate routings and varied demand sources, showcasing the adaptability and functionality of the work list.

Key Points:

  1. Work generation system ties business functions together, determining what to work on, ship, and buy.

  2. Inputs include routings, demand, and inventory levels, with live updates to routings instantly affecting outputs.

  3. Demand prioritization is based on a time-based sorting method.

  4. Outputs include priority, purchasing, and shipping lists, as well as demand tracking lists.

  5. The algorithm assesses availability to ship, work on existing inventory, and the need for purchases.

  6. Examples demonstrate the system's response to different scenarios, considering inventory levels and varied demand sources.

  7. The system adapts to complex routings and competing demand sources, maintaining prioritization based on sorting methods.

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1.) Routing / BOMS

When scheduling and prioritizing tasks, assigning jobs to specific work centers and operators is essential. In our routing and Bills of Materials (BOMs) for a particular item, we can create work steps that are tailored to certain operations. These operations can only be carried out at their respective work groups, which are selected during the scheduling process. However, will schedule WorkCenters and Operators manually

2.) Generated Work List

The "Generated Work List" is a collection of tasks needed to produce items, jobs, or orders. These tasks involve creating sub-assemblies that are necessary for the final production. When a new job or order is created, StartProto reviews stock values to determine if sub-assemblies need to be produced in order to meet demand. The Generated Work List is automatically generated based on this demand.

2.1) Work Item Breakdown

Work Items display information pertaining to work currently scheduled on your shop floor:

  • Job Name: A familiar name set by the user to easily identify the job

  • Work Details: Displays the WorkGroup and operation performed for this scheduled job

  • Item Name: The name of the item/sub-item you are creating

  • Main Assembly: Either the name of the main assembly this sub-item belongs to or the item's name

  • Order Details: Showcases order information and due date

  • Status: Shows the live status of the job and amount completed

  • Background Color:

    • Grey: Currently Scheduled

    • Green: Active

    • Red: On Hold

3.) Assigning WorkCenters/Operators Via “All Work”

The "All Work" page provides a comprehensive list of all the tasks scheduled to run on your shop floor. The page displays the live status of each job and its current priority. Additionally, you can easily assign the task to a specific operator or a work location from this page. The list is easy to read and understand, making it a convenient tool for managing your workload.

  • For each job, you can select a WorkCenter from the drop-down menu at the top right that can perform the operation. Assign the job to the desired WorkCenter.

  • For each job, you can select an operator from the drop-down menu at the top right who can perform the operation. Assign the job to the desired Operator.

3.1) Assigning WorkCenters/Operators Via “Work Center/User”

The "Work Center/User" pages provides an intuitive interface for users to view their upcoming and active operations for a specific WorkCenter or Operator Grind. The jobs are presented in the form of easy-to-understand cards, simplifying the visualization of your shopfloor workflow. There are several ways to interact with this page, allowing you to fine-tune your shopfloor operations.

3.1.1) Assign WorkCenter/Operator Via Drop-Downs

  • For each job, you can select a WorkCenter from the drop-down menu at the top right that can perform the operation. Assign the job to the desired WorkCenter.

  • For each job, you can select an operator from the drop-down menu at the top right who can perform the operation. Assign the job to the desired Operator.

3.2) Drag And Drop Jobs Into Position

Interacting with the "Work Center/User" page is made easy through drag and drop functionality. Job cards can be easily moved to different positions and across compatible WorkCenter/Operators to distribute workflows efficiently. Additionally, cards can be reordered by moving them up or down the list to change the priority of a particular operation.

  • To redistribute a task across WorkCenter/Operator, drag and drop the job card onto a compatible space in a horizontal motion. This will reassign the operation to the new desired destination.

  • To reassign priority or position in the workflow list, simply drag and drop the job card vertically. This will adjust the operation's position on the priority list for a particular work center or operation.

3.3) Expanded Workgroups

If you want to optimize your shop floor operations, then having a comprehensive view is crucial. With StartProto, you can easily achieve this with the expanded workgroups toggle. This feature allows you to break down each workgroup and schedule per available workcenter. By enabling this toggle, you can improve your scheduling process and ensure that your shop floor is always running smoothly.

3.4) Job Card Breakdown

Job cards display information pertaining to work currently scheduled on your shop floor:

  • Job Name: A familiar name set by the user to easily identify the job

  • Work Details: Displays the WorkGroup and operation performed for this scheduled job

  • Item Name: The name of the item/sub-item you are creating

  • Main Assembly: Either the name of the main assembly this sub-item belongs to or the item's name

  • Order Details: Showcases order information and due date

  • Status: Shows the live status of the job and amount completed

  • Background Color:

    • Grey: Currently Scheduled

    • Green: Active

    • Red: On Hold

D.) In Summary

StartProto's scheduling feature allows for easy coordination of the shop floor, with the ability to view live order/job status, make adjustments, and optimize schedules. The scheduling algorithm takes into account various data points such as demand, priorities, and routing/BOMs to suggest and optimize schedules. Prioritization can be set at the sales order or line item level, and the work list is generated based on demand, inventory levels, and routing. WorkCenters and operators can be assigned manually, and the "All Work" and "Work Center/User" pages provide comprehensive views and drag-and-drop functionality for efficient workflow management.

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