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Tyler Williams avatar
Written by Tyler Williams
Updated over a year ago

A.) Overview

Jobs are a versatile tool that allows users to create work, aggregate demand from multiple orders, and keep tabs on production.

Similar to how orders operated in the past, Jobs can be auto-generated from sales orders, allowing established users to continue with their current workflow; however, it offers many additional features when utilized.

B.) Creating A New Job

To create a new job, users can assign Orders, Items and files to streamline operations.

Job Name

By default, this is auto-generated but can be renamed to be identified easier.

Item Assignment

Jobs require an Item to be assigned; this is the item the job will produce. For order assigning, ensure the item is the same present on the desired orders.


Files can be uploaded similar to orders and jobs; these files will also be present during operations.

Scheduling Method

There are different ways users can run jobs

  • Rigid Flow: Does not schedule any work unless all of the parts in the job are ready for an operation. This means all materials will be blocked until the prior operation has been completed for each part or all material is available.

  • Batch Flow: Will not schedule work unless the number of available parts is greater than or equal to the batch size set on each operation.

  • Continuous Flow: Allows the system to schedule work regardless of the batch size for an operation.

Created & Due Date

handled similar to due dates on orders, sets the date the job is due for scheduling

Add Demand Links

Users can assign orders depending on the selected item for the job

Assigning quantity to job

When an order is assigned to a job, the user can dictate the amount of items to be completed by the job. This can be partial to the full demand amount.

Creating Extra Items

Jobs also have the ability to create extra items or items not assigned to an order. By adding extras the desired quantity will be added to the job and carried out as normal, once completed the extra or unclaimed amount will be returned to inventory

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